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The I Future Recruitment Platform is where you evaluate your skills and meet the right employers for you.

Create your profile, evaluate your skills and get hired

A top-quality profile will considerably boost your chance of getting job offers, so make yourself look impeccable. Your profile is the first chance you get to make a good impression on a potential employer.

It is in your own powers to stand out, through the following steps.

Personal Information

Make sure you are thorough in completing your profile. Include your name, a phone number, your email address, and any other personal details that you find are important to who you are.

Work Experience

Make sure to complete your job title, the company name, the city you currently work from and a timeframe of your employment there. Stating the key responsibilities of your current job can help your future employers get a better grasp of your day-to-day activities and your key skill sets.

Complete your profile to set the focus on the qualities that you find most relevant and accurate.

Key achievements

Key Achievements are often overlooked and not always mentioned in the CV or resume. However, they are very important for the recruiter to read in your profile. Employers know what you did, but they need to know the results you obtained.

Don't forget that any achievement is still an achievement, no matter how small you think it is; people grow and learn differently.

Skill Sets

Besides the soft skills, employers may be looking for specific skills. Recruiters may search for specific keywords in the databases, which is why it is important to be specific when you list your skills.

Get in Touch

Tell us more about yourself and your career aspirations.

We look forward to talking with you about your sustainable growth opportunities.

We are always looking for feedback, so please do reach out!
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